
Stolen (part 1)

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Loki wasn't really planning to steal anything else that day. He was riding home with his brother from one of their ridiculous adventures, pretending to be interested in his brother's description of the battle he had fought that day. Loki had been too busy stealing back one of Odin's precious artifacts to bother about it at the time, and was not particularly bothered with it now.

He was also not bothered with Lady Freya, although Thor was. Loki rolled his eyes, but decided to wait while his brother went up to talk to her. A flicker of motion in the woods behind the two idiots caught his eye. He glanced over to see a young woman perched in a tree, moving her hands as though controlling something. She appeared to be deeply absorbed in something; in hopes that it might be interesting, Loki followed her gaze to – Is that a duck?

The duck waddled somewhat stiffly toward Freya, settling on the ground just a few feet behind her. Flicking his eyes back to the girl, Loki saw that she was grinning, but still moving her hands. When he glanced back at the duck, Loki bit back the urge to laugh out loud. The duck was imitating Freya!

"....all on your own? Why, how very brave!" Freya was saying to his brother, fluttering her eyelashes. Behind her, the duck also tipped its head to the side, pulled its wings in front of it, and blinked rapidly.

"Oh, not very. Just a minor scuffle, barely a challenge! However, there was one battle last month…" The duck lowered its wings and moved forward with an exaggeratedly swaying walk, just as Freya was doing. And so the conversation continued, with the duck imitating Freya, and Loki struggling to hold back his laughter – especially as the duck lifted a wing to cup an imaginary Thor's jaw.

"You know," Freya purred, "such prowess is deserving of – "

"QUACK!" The poor confused duck finally protested, and neither Loki nor the girl could help laughing.

Freya looked between the two sources of laughter, then glared ominously when she saw the duck, still posed in an imitation of her. "Loki!" Looking past Freya, he saw the girl jump in surprise, then look guilty when Freya started scolding him. Her mouth formed the word 'sorry' as she jumped down from her tree.

Finally, the two brothers managed to placate the irate goddess of beauty and make their escape. "Did you really have to do that, Brother?" Thor demanded. "And why a duck?"
Loki chuckled at the irony of not being guilty this time. "I did absolutely nothing, Brother – and for once, I'm not lying when I say that."

He saw the girl again a few minutes later, sitting with the duck and holding her hand against its wing. "I'm sorry," he heard faintly, "I didn't realize your wing couldn't bend that way."

"Recognize her, Thor?"

"Ah… She was in a tree laughing at Freya, wasn't she?"

Loki smirked. "That is the true culprit of today's hilarity, Thor – healing her accomplice, it seems."

Thor still looked doubtful as the girl set the duck down. It immediately pecked at her leg, causing her to yelp and hold out her hands. The duck was instantly still, except for furious quacking.

Loki chuckled. "Now do you believe me?" When Thor nodded, the god of mischief returned his attention to the girl, who had released the duck and was returning to the woods. A rather lovely creature, he considered, with honey colored hair and soft curves. Clever enough to find a way of controlling something's limbs, creative enough to find a good use for it, kind enough to heal it afterward…


"Yes, Loki?"

"Do you remember our father's suggestion that I find a wife?"

"Ah… vaguely, yes…"

Loki grinned and pointed at the vanishing girl. "Well, I want that one."


Unfortunately, without a clearer name than 'that one,' finding the girl proved to be a nuisance. Of course, a deeply amused Thor was an even worse nuisance. If his brother made one more 'helpful suggestion,' Loki just might kill him.

It annoyed Loki that he couldn't find the girl; no one with her abilities should be able to just vanish. But no one he spoke to had ever heard of her. He even returned to the woods where he had seen her, but she just wasn't there.

Of course, it was possible that people knew her, but did not know what she could do. Unfortunately, the only other thing he knew was her appearance, and Asgard was full of slender blonde maidens.

On the third day, it did occur to him that she might have ties to Lady Freya. After all, a girl who bothered to heal the duck's wing probably wouldn't take such liberties with a stranger. But the thought of asking for Freya's help galled him.

After a week, his frustration and curiosity overcame his pride, and he set off to Freya's hall. After asking Thor where she lived. And enduring his brother's laughter and ridiculous advice. And turning him into a newt for the next five hours.

Freya's hall was separated from the palace by a river whose name Loki never remembered. He had just reached this river when he saw something moving under the bridge. He knelt by the bank for a closer look, and there was the girl!

"Hello there!" he called to her. She turned to look at him, and he realized she was carrying a hatchet of all things. A glance around showed that the bridge's support structure had been weakened. "Whatever are you doing?"

The girl flushed. "Um…  Weakening the bridge?" she replied with a guilty smile.
"What for? Planning something against Freya again?" He grinned at the memory of her duck trick.

The girl smothered a giggle. "Not this time. I'm after Uncle Frey instead. He's on his way to visit, and he's been getting dreadfully lazy lately. He could use some waking up."

"Uncle Frey?" Loki demanded. "You're… you're…" Somehow, it just didn't make sense.

"Freya's daughter, yes." She smiled up at him shyly. "Everyone's surprised when they hear that."

"You aren't much like her," he pointed out. "Who was your father?"

"She isn't sure," the girl admitted ruefully.

An awkward silence settled for a moment. "I…haven't seen you before," Loki finally said. "Do you live with your mother?"

"No, Grandfather Njord took me in when I was born." A wry smile crept onto her face. "I just visit here now and again. That's probably why we haven't met."

"I suppose so," he admitted, reaching a hand down to assist her out. "So, you're simply going to toss your poor uncle into a cold river?"

"That's the plan," she answered with an unapologetic grin.

He answered with a matching grin. "Would you like me to show you a possible… embellishment?" She nodded, so he picked up her hatchet and transformed it into an eel, which he then dangled over the river.

Her eyes grew wide. "It won't hurt him?" she asked. When he shook his head, she nodded enthusiastically. "That's a good embellishment. Care to hide over there and watch the show?" she asked sweetly as he dropped the eel in.

"I would be overjoyed," he assured her, offering his arm with exaggerated gallantry. She took it, giggling, and he led her behind one of the many boulders that dotted the hillside. "I suppose this would be a good time to ask your –"

"Shh, he's coming!" she hissed, cutting him off. But her eyes were dancing as she smiled up at him. Large green eyes, he noticed, fringed with black lashes. This girl had been born wearing his colors. She turned from him to peek around the rock, and then gasped. "Oh, no…"

"What's wrong?" Loki whispered, peeking out himself. Then he saw the problem – that wasn't Frey! It was some noble of his father's court, one whose name escaped him, but whose stiffness and distaste toward himself he recalled. And he was striding purposefully toward the bridge… "Do you know him?" he asked his companion softly.

She nodded her head, and was about to speak when the man stepped onto the bridge. It creaked ominously, and then fell out from under his feet. The stately man plunged into the cold river, where Loki's eel nosed at him curiously.

The girl clapped her hands over her mouth, but was unable to keep herself from laughing. Loki had to laugh, too, as the dignified man tried to push the slimy creature away. Unfortunately the laughter drew his attention, and he glared fiercely at the girl. "Sigyn!" he thundered, attempting to stand.

The girl's smile dropped, and she backed up a few steps before running away. Loki quickly caught up to her and accompanied her in her flight. "So," he began as he ran alongside her, "Sigyn, was it?"

"That's right," she panted. "And you're Prince Loki?"

"Of course."

"That's what I thought." She flashed him a smile. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

He caught her as she stumbled. "Really? That's not a common answer."

"I suppose not," Sigyn answered thoughtfully as she slumped to the ground. "Grandfather certainly doesn't like you."

That was not the best news he had ever heard, but it could have been worse. "Here, take my hand for a moment. I'm going to bring you away from our victim's wrath."

"All right," she replied, placing her hand in his.

Marveling at how readily this Sigyn trusted him, Loki transported both of them to his mother's garden, right near her ornamental pond. "He won't be able to find us here," he promised, keeping hold of her hand and hoping she wouldn't object.

"How did you do that?" she gasped, looking up at him admiringly. "Well, no, stupid question, you did it by magic. Still! That was amazing!"

"I could say the same for your duck trick," he pointed out, making her blush. "How do you do that, by the way?"

Sigyn took her hand back to run it nervously through her hair. "I'm a healer…" she trailed off, not sure how to explain.

"Yes, and?" When she gulped, he smiled reassuringly. "Oh, come now. You really think the god of mischief will scold you for abusing your healing powers?"

She looked a bit more at ease. "Healing works by telling the patient's body where and how to grow new tissue, and shunting the necessary resources to that area so that it can happen far faster than is natural," she explained. "So… I thought that if I could tell a body to grow new tissue, why not tell it to do other things? Moving seemed simple, so I tried it, and… Well…."

"It works," he finished for her.

"I'm still not perfect at it," Sigyn added, pursing her lips. "It's obvious that the animal isn't moving naturally. But my control keeps getting better, so…" She shrugged and smiled, looking innocently pleased with her delightful, dangerous accomplishment.

Father can never know about this. Hopefully Thor keeps his mouth shut until I find him. "Have you tried anything besides motion? Sleep, perhaps?"

She nodded. "A few times, but all five of the fish I practiced on died. I decided to wait until I had finer control."

"I see," Loki said with a smile. "Will you show me again?"

"Show you? On what?" The queen's well-kept garden was empty except for them.

"On me," Loki replied casually. Sigyn looked doubtful. "I saw you healing that duck's wing. If your manipulation caused damage every time, you wouldn't do it. Besides," he added, smirking, "as a Prince of Asgard, I command you to move me."

The girl looked startled by the word 'command,' then flushed and lowered her gaze. "As you wish, my lord," she said softly, and raised her right hand.

There was a vague pressure inside his legs, and Loki found himself moving toward the pond – not smoothly but with acceptable balance. He stopped at the edge, where the water just lapped against his boots.

"Will that be enough, my lord?" Sigyn asked stiffly, eyes still on the ground.

"If I say no, will you drown me?" He asked with a smirk. The prince tried to move, but found that his legs would not cooperate. Remarkable.

The girl didn't look up, but he could see the ghost of a smile on her lips. "More soak than drown," she corrected.

"Is that the respect you show to a prince?" he asked, making his voice cold. Do you frighten easily, little Sigyn? I hope not.

She looked up at that, eyeing him uneasily. "When he brings me into a garden alone and tries to command my secrets… Yes?" Her voice squeaked pathetically on the last word, and Loki was torn between amusement and pity.

"I suppose that's not unreasonable," he answered with a reassuring smile. Sigyn relaxed visibly, and the pressure in his legs receded. "Shall we declare a truce?"

She tilted her head thoughtfully. "May I ask something of you in return for the truce?"

Loki blinked. "That's an odd request from a Prince in his own castle."

Sigyn smiled uncertainly. "That's why it's a request."

"Hm… Tell me what it is, and we'll see." Yes, tell me exactly what you wish for. That will make this whole thing easier.

"Please don't tell anyone what you've seen me do!" she blurted, looking up at him pleadingly. "I…I don't want to be imprisoned as a criminal, or made into a weapon, or anything like that. Please. I can't offer you a reason to believe me, but I would never use my abilities on any creature to harm it. I…I couldn't bear to. Please, Your Highness."

As an accomplished liar, Loki could hear the truth in every word she spoke. And both her fears were well founded; if the Allfather found out what Sigyn could do, she would be imprisoned until Odin was sure she meant no harm to Asgard, then forced to use her powers in battle the next time Asgard was threatened.

Of course, this was a perfect opportunity; if he demanded her hand in return for his silence, the prince had no doubt she would consent. And yet… She looked at him the way a squirrel might look at a wolf – fearful, despairing, pathetic. If he made his request now, she would probably be like this around him forever. The sweet, lively, troublemaking girl who had piqued his interest would be gone.

And so Loki Odinson's weakness turns out to be a pair of tearful green eyes. I can't believe I'm doing this… "Promise to heal me any time I need it, and I will keep your secret," the prince offered. Smile charmingly. Don't forget to smile charmingly.

Sigyn's smile returned with a vengeance. "You have a bargain, my prince."

"Oh, call me Loki. That is the privilege of a fellow trickster," he assured her, plucking a flower and offering it to her.

She accepted the flower with another of those blushes. "How very gracious of you," she commented blandly, giving him a thoughtful look from under her eyelashes. Still not sure what to make of him, it seemed.

It was probably the wrong way to treat a lady, but Loki couldn't resist. The flower in Sigyn's hand transformed itself into a long green snake, which coiled around her arm and reared up to look at her. Loki was already considering the best way to console her for the scare when he got another surprise.

Sigyn was laughing.

"How do you do that so easily?" she managed between laughs. "No words or gestures, just…magic?"

Mine. Absolutely mine, was Loki's coherent evaluation. "Ah…. Centuries of practice, I suppose," he explained with a chuckle of his own. "How did you come up with that duck trick?"

Sigyn started manipulating the snake, making it travel from one arm to the other. "Oh, quite by accident. Mother had been reading a poem from another admirer of hers, going on and on about the magnificence of her 'white and gold presence.' She was horribly smug about it." Her little nose wrinkled in distaste, earning another chuckle from her prince. "Well, we went out for a walk, and then stopped when she saw Prince Thor coming and started adjusting her hair to speak to him. While she was fussing over herself, I spotted this duck waddling around…which was every bit as white and gold as Mother. I couldn't resist."

"Even though you don't want your abilities to be known?" Loki asked her when he finished laughing.

The girl looked down at her feet. "I hadn't thought of that yet," she explained guiltily. "Grandfather was the only one who knew, and he disapproved but never tried to lock me up or…or use me. It wasn't until you whisked me away and started inquiring that I realized I could be in trouble."

"Hmm." Loki reached out his arm, and she moved the snake to coil around him instead. "No one else has ever guessed?"

Sigyn shook her blonde curls. "I think everyone else sees the sweet little healer first and never expects me to be so bold."

"If I hadn't seen you healing the duck, I would call that sweetness a clever façade." Loki turned the snake back into a flower, then tucked it into her hair. "But it's not, is it?" When she smiled and shook her head slightly, he placed his hand under her delicate chin. "Perhaps I wasted my one free request," he added with a smirk. "You would heal anyone who needed you, hm?"

"Probably," Sigyn admitted with a twinkle in her eyes – and an uneasy glance at the hand under her chin.

"I should have requested that you aid me in any harmless mischief I ask," he declared with a teasing grin.

Sigyn started to laugh in response, but then her face fell. "I wouldn't be able to honor that request."

"Why not?" He lifted her head back up to look at him, trying to puzzle out this new information.

"Theoric would disapprove," she explained sadly.

"Theoric?" Loki remembered the proud young knight, recently inducted into Odin's Crimson Hawks. Yet another noble, stubborn, dimwitted, arrogant, battle-hungry fool who sneered every time he spoke Loki's name. "What does he have to do with anything?"

Sigyn pulled back one of her sleeves to reveal an intricate gold bracelet set with rubies. "I have to marry him next week," she explained quietly. "My grandfather arranged the whole thing. And Theoric… Well, he isn't unkind, exactly, but…. He's rather stern. And he disapproves of…"

"Everything." At Sigyn's surprised look, he amended that slightly. "Well, everything interesting. Mischief, magic, libraries, out-thinking opponents…"

"I think he's willing to tolerate my book-reading," Sigyn said thoughtfully. "But certainly no mischief, no experiments. And no being anything other than a sweet healer and a graceful lady. These past few days, I've been…saying goodbye. To all the things I won't be allowed once we're married." A tear rolled down her face, and Loki quickly brushed it away. Sigyn jumped at his touch.

"I suppose we can add 'no talking with the Trickster Prince' to the list," Loki suggested, trying to keep the anger out of his voice. Sigyn would be wasted on that dolt. Everything that made her special was going to be forbidden.

"I'm sure it will be added tonight," she responded sadly. "The man we tossed into the river was my future father-in-law." Her lips twitched into an involuntary smile at the memory.

So that's why he looked familiar. Theoric's father was always one of the first to demand Loki be punished for his misconduct. If he had seen his future daughter-in-law joining the prince on one of his escapades… "Maybe he'll be angry enough to call off the marriage," he suggested hopefully.

"Maybe," Sigyn agreed, perking up slightly.

"And if he does…" Loki reached out to place one finger on her betrothal bracelet, transforming the stones. "I believe a bracelet of emeralds suits you better," he purred, holding her gaze with his own.

Her eyes grew wide with surprise, then dropped modestly toward the ground while a soft smile appeared on her lips. "Yes," she whispered. "I would have to agree."


By the time Loki had returned Sigyn to her home and slipped back into the palace, Thor was finished being a newt and ready to be annoyingly helpful again. Unfortunately, with Mother gone to visit a friend, Loki had no one else to discuss his adventure with.

Thor listened attentively, taking frequent breaks to laugh at his brother's unusual courtship methods. "I still can't believe you turned the flower into a snake!" he snorted when Loki finished. "I know Mother taught you better than that!"

"She laughed!" Loki protested. I am not blushing. There is no possible way that I am blushing.

Thor shook his golden head, still grinning. "You've managed to find the only maiden in the Nine Realms who is as crazy as you are, Brother!"

"And since I have, you can understand why I mean to keep her." Loki gave his brother a meaningful look.

The golden prince sighed. Loki's narrative had included Sigyn's request for silence. "You do realize that if we say nothing and she harms Asgard with her powers, we will have committed treason?" Loki continued to stare at him, waiting. "And that, even if she is harmless, Father will be furious when he finds out?" Still staring. "Oh…. Very well, Loki, I will keep your little secret!"

Loki grinned brightly. "You have my thanks, dear brother."

Thor rolled his eyes. "I hardly have a choice," he grumbled. "I don't want to spend the rest of my life as a salamander."

"Actually, you were a newt."

"A what?"

Loki shook his head. "Never mind, you got better and we have more pressing matters at hand."

"Ah, yes." Thor's teasing grin returned. "Time for the little cow to win his fair maiden, hm?"

"Will you leave my helmet out of this?" Loki snapped. When Thor pouted, however, he had to smile. "Come now, brother, you know Theoric and his wretched father better than I do; will they call off the marriage?"

"Probably not," Thor admitted. "Once Theoric has decided something is his, he never willingly lets go. His father is the same way." After a glance at his brother's face, he made an addition. "Loki, none of us can break the betrothal, either."

"Why not?" Loki demanded.

"Because it's a contract between two households – probably between Njord and Vjalin."

"Who?" Loki asked, puzzled.

"Theoric's father. The man who wanted your hands cut off."

"Oh. Yes." So that was the man's name. "Please continue."

Thor hid a smile at his brother's nonchalance. "In order for a contract to be dissolved, at least one of those who made the agreement must back out."

"And Vjalin won't," Loki considered. "Well then, I suppose I have a long journey tonight."

"And I suppose I'm inventing an excuse for you when Father sees you're gone," Thor grumbled.

Loki smiled mischievously. "Not at all, Brother. Just tell him the truth: that I'm being an obedient son and acquiring a suitable wife."

"Who is already promised to someone else," Thor pointed out.

"Not for long," the Trickster assured him, digging riding clothes out of his closet. Time to pay a visit to Njord.


Back when Vanaheim was an independent realm, Njord had been a king. After Vanahei, merged with Asgard in the Great Wars, he had been obliged to retire and now kept a quiet hall by the sea, about five hours' ride from the golden city. Over the peaceful centuries, he and Odin had formed a rather testy friendship, but the old man generally kept to himself, allowing his son and daughter to represent their family at court.

Loki found him out walking in the surf, probably deep in thought. Given what he had heard of Njord from his father, the prince thought it best to wait quietly until the old man acknowledged his presence.

After a few moments, the former king turned to glare at him. "What are you doing here, Liesmith?"

It was a cold reception, but Loki had received worse. "I must congratulate you, mighty Njord," he explained with a courtly bow. "You have raised the most innovative healer in Asgard." His lips twitched into a smile at the memory of Sigyn's 'innovations.'

Njord's face paled for an instant, then his glare intensified and he stalked out of the waves to tower over his guest. "What are you playing at, boy? And why are you bringing Sigyn into it?"

"I would hardly call it playing," Loki bantered, then realized that Njord was clenching a fist. "I mean her no harm," he explained quickly. "If anything, I am here to protect her."

"Protect her from what?" Njord growled. "If you want to protect her, leave her out of your games."

"She enjoys my games far more than she would enjoy a marriage to Theoric," Loki informed him coolly.

There was a dead silence for several minutes. "Get out of here!" Njord finally snarled. "Never come near her again!"

"Why?" Loki countered. "Because I can appreciate her gifts as no one else will?"

"Because you will encourage every dangerous habit she has!" Njord thundered. "She plays and experiments without understanding the consequences, and you would only make it worse!" He took a deep breath and spoke more quietly. "Theoric will rein her in, as I was too soft to do. He will steady her, and she will finally be safe from herself."

"And unhappy the rest of her life."

The sea god laughed. "You've barely met her, Liesmith. Making Sigyn unhappy longer than an hour is quite difficult. She will adapt to her new life. She will grow to love him – it's in her nature to do so – and be perfectly happy in a few short years." He resumed glaring at the prince. "Unless you interfere with her."

"Unless I remind her who she really is, you mean," the prince sneered. "Do you honestly think she can lose so much of herself and be happy?"

"What happens to Sigyn does not concern you, Prince Loki," the exiled king replied, turning his back.

"But it does," he insisted quietly. "She is unique among all the women I have met – clever and inventive, ready for mischief, but still tender-hearted and sweet. She deserves a better fate than the one you've assigned her." She deserves a better man. And I deserve her.

Njord scowled over his shoulder. "You want her for yourself, don't you, brat?"

"Actually, yes." Loki lifted his chin angrily. "And you should think twice before you call the son of Odin a brat."

"I have said worse to his face and lived," the sea king assured him with half a cold smile. "My Sigyn will have the stable marriage she needs, and you will not interfere." The smile dropped. "Because if you do, neither your magic nor your father will protect you from me."

Well, so much for doing this the honest way. I did try, old man. Remember that. "I bid you a good evening, ex-King Njord," Loki replied with a flawless bow. Then he wisely vanished before his future patriarch-in-law could react.


The next day was spent perched on the palace walls, planning his next move. He needed to marry the girl; simply spiriting her away from Asgard wouldn't do, she could be taken away from him as soon as they were found.

Thor came clomping up to his seat around midday, whistling and toying with Mjolnir. "Why so mournful, brother?" he called blithely. "Did your bride say you cannot wear your horns to the wedding?"

Loki glared at him. "Go away, Thor."

His older brother's smile faded. He sat down next to Loki and draped an arm around his shoulders. "Tell me what's wrong, little brother."

"Njord refused," Loki said simply, allowing his older brother to hold him. "He disapproves of everything that makes Sigyn interesting. He wants Theoric to destroy her." Ungrateful fool. He is unworthy to be her guardian.

Thor shifted uncomfortably. "That, ah, might not take too long."

Loki turned sharply to face him. "What are you talking about?"

"I….may have sought her out after you left." He looked defensive. "I was curious about my future sister!"

The trickster sighed and rubbed his temple. It was a well-kept family secret that Thor had always wanted a little sister to dote upon. Apparently, he had been quite disappointed when Mother told him Loki was a boy. "I understand, Thor. What happened to her?"

"Theoric and Vjalin were scolding her for the, ah, bridge incident… and for disappearing with you." Thor ruffled his brother's hair absently. "She was still crying when Theoric decided to escort her back to Freya's home."

"And Njord thought she'd be safe with that lout," Loki sneered. He could feel unanticipated rage welling up inside him. Do I care so much for her? Perhaps I was more honest with Njord than I'd thought…

"Perhaps…. If he knew about last night, he might…call off the wedding?" Thor suggested, clearly uncomfortable.

Loki had to chuckle. "Why, Thor! That's the sort of thing I would think of! What is the golden prince coming to, hm?"

Thor flushed. "And since when does the Trickster rescue fair maidens?"

"Since he found one he wants to keep," Loki responded. He folded his hands and rested his chin on them. "No," he finally said. "Informing Njord won't be enough. Even if he decides to release her from her prison – which I doubt he would – he will never let me wed her."

"Then what are you planning to do?"

"What I always do when I want what I can't have, Brother." Loki grinned, the grin that meant trouble. "I'm going to steal her."


Thor kept a cautious eye on his brother during the next week. Odin, whether for personal or political reasons, had graciously allowed the palace to be turned upside down for the wedding of Njord's darling grandchild.

Loki was quiet that week, although his tongue was sharper than usual when he spoke. He had refused to tell Thor anything about his plan to steal Sigyn, only smirking and telling him to wait for the show.

Thor, as Odin's likeable son, was assigned to play host once Njord arrived. He had to agree with his brother's assessment that Njord would not let Sigyn out of the marriage, as the old king clearly believed this was best for her. However, it was also clear that his granddaughter occupied the one tender spot in the snappish old man's heart, and that she adored him in return.

Thor transmitted this information to Loki, just in case his plan had involved harming Sigyn's grandfather. At the very least, the younger prince ceased to scowl every time Njord was mentioned.

Sigyn herself charmed the golden prince; she was a sweet little thing with a wry sense of humor, a fine match for Loki. She was also wary of her bridegroom, in a way that sealed Thor's decision not to interfere with Loki's plans. He wisely did not tell Loki this. His little brother needed no encouragement to harm Theoric.

Freya, as the mother of the bride and Goddess of Beauty, did most of the planning for the wedding. Normally, Loki took particular pleasure in upsetting Freya's work, but everything went smoothly. Freya glowed; Thor had to wonder.

Loki was absent at dinner the night before the wedding. "Oh, I'm sure he's in his chambers reading," Thor explained to their mother. "You know how he is – large parties upset him, he needs to rest beforehand."

Frigga was not appeased. "I think I'll go check on him."

"No, Mother!" When she turned to look at him skeptically, Thor hurriedly made something up. "Ah… You are…worn out! From receiving all the guests, and….and helping plan the ceremony!" Thor hurriedly began filling a plate with food for Loki. "Enjoy some quiet time with Father! I'll take Loki his dinner, make sure he's doing well…" He trailed off with an innocent smile. How does Loki manage to lie to her all the time?? She's going to find out, we're going to be in trouble….

"That's kind of you, Thor," his mother replied, wearily seating herself on Odin's lap.

Thor was relieved, then sympathetic. Poor Mother, she must be more tired than we thought. Thor embraced his parents quickly before bearing the food to Loki's chambers.

As he had expected, his brother was not there.


Sigyn left dinner early the night before the wedding, telling her family that she wasn't hungry. Grandfather was the only one who looked concerned. Her mother was busy talking and probably wouldn't notice her absence.

When she got to her room, she stood helplessly for a moment before opening the wardrobe to look at her wedding gown again. She had to admit that the dress was beautiful; whatever else could be said of her, Freya had good taste. The fastenings on the back, however, baffled her.

Sigyn tried to laugh. "My husband is going to have to cut me out of this thing." And then the image of Theoric having a blade near her skin turned the laugh to a sob.

She had been a fool, she realized, hoping that this marriage would be prevented. All that came of her day with Loki had been scolding after scolding from everyone who knew, and a deep disappointment when he never spoke to her again.

At least her foolish hopes would be ended tomorrow. Neither annulment nor divorce existed in Asgard; a marriage, once the vows were spoken, lasted until death. She would spend the rest of her life with Theoric.

"It will be well," she assured herself firmly. "He will be kind, Grandfather said so. As…as long as I behave," she finished in a whisper. "I can do that." Hopefully.

Sigyn tossed and turned the rest of the night.  As soon as the sun rose, her mother's maids would come to turn her into a bride.


Loki was not at breakfast, Thor noted. All morning, he expected Loki's promised 'show,' but nothing happened. When everyone took their seats for the ceremony, the trickster prince was still absent. Odin glowered when he noticed, but Thor could only shrug helplessly.
Theoric entered, and was escorted by his fellow Hawks to stand before Odin. Loki was still missing.

Freya made a grand entrance as the bride's mother, and took her seat at the front of the hall, surrounded by admirers. Still no Loki.

At a nod from the Allfather, soft music began to play. It was a strange, whistling tune that Thor didn't recognize. He suspected it was a Vanir song, as he couldn't imagine Njord walking anywhere to Aesir music.

The old sea god appeared, huge and regal, with the lovely bride clinging to his arm. Sigyn looked tiny and fragile beside him, her wide eyes staring anxiously at her groom. Nevertheless, she held up her chin and walked gracefully beside her grandfather.

Before the royal dias, the two stopped, Njord turning to Theoric. "Be good to her, boy," Thor heard him command softly. Sigyn stretched up on tiptoe to hug her grandfather and kiss his cheek.

Where are you, Loki? You're almost out of time. Any moment now, Thor expected his brother to appear out of nowhere, turn Theoric into a toad, and make off with the bride. In his anxiety, he didn't notice that Odin had risen and banged his spear on the ground. Sif had to poke him in the side, reminding him to stand.

The Allfather began his impressive and carefully prepared wedding speech, but Thor barely caught a word of it. He was scanning the room for Loki and trying not to be obvious about it. Since Sif elbowed him sharply halfway through, he was probably unsuccessful at the last part.

Now Theoric had knelt and taken Sigyn's hand. He kissed it once, and repeated the vows Odin read to him in a deep, firm voice. His eyes never left her face, Thor realized, which made him wonder. Since when is Theoric so attentive to her? They've barely spoken all week.

Theoric rose to his feet with a smile, also uncharacteristic of him. Loki, the vows are half over! Where are you? It's almost too late!

Sigyn knelt down carefully and kissed Theoric's hand. Is that a tear on her face? It is a tear! Poor little thing…. Loki!

"…do swear to honor, care for, and obey you…." Odin was reciting.

"….do swear to honor, care for, and obey you…" Sigyn repeated dutifully, her voice just barely shaking.

"…forsaking all others…" the Allfather went on. Sif noticed Thor's jumpiness and put a hand on his arm. He shook his head at her questioning eyebrow.

"….for as long as we both shall live, Theoric Vjalinson," Odin finished.

Sigyn closed her eyes, but Thor stared in amazement. While Sigyn was beginning the last words of her vow, the figure in front of her began to shimmer and change.

"…b-both shall live…" Startled by all the gasps and murmurs filling the hall, Sigyn opened her eyes. Her mouth dropped open when she saw the lean, handsome face smiling down at her. "Prince Loki!"

His smile became a grin as he drew the girl to her feet. "And I joyously accept your vow," the trickster replied before lifting her into a kiss.

"Well done, Brother!" Thor cheered, overjoyed to see Loki wed. A fierce glare from his father, combined with a dead silence throughout the hall, brought an end to his celebration.

Loki gently lowered his bride to the floor and withdrew from the kiss. Sigyn's face was now a bright scarlet, caught between confusion and joy. The victorious trickster offered his brother a triumphant grin before draping an arm around Sigyn and boldly addressing Odin.

"Father, may I present my new wife?"

"What have you done?" the one-eyed king thundered.

"Gotten married, as you insisted I do," the prince returned imperturbably.

"How dare you," Njord growled, pushing Loki away from the bride and holding her protectively. "Keep your hands off her, Liesmith!"

"Do not come between me and my wife," Loki growled back, taking a few steps toward his stolen bride.

A poor time to begin seeking battle, Brother...

"Both of you will be silent!" Odin commanded. Njord and Loki turned to glare at him.
"Allfather, that boy used deception to trap her into a wedding. Surely-"

"I said silence!" The Allfather leaned on his spear, looking tired. "Njord, my friend, you know the law. Both our peoples agree: once the vows are spoken, the marriage cannot be undone. Sigyn is Loki's wife, and will remain so." He turned his single piercing eye on his younger son. "Fear not, however; Loki shall be punished for his trickery. Until further notice, he is banished from Asgard and will be imprisoned if he returns early.

"Now then. Let me see my new daughter."

Rather unwillingly, and with another glare at Loki, Njord loosened his arms and nudged Sigyn forward. She slowly approached the Allfather's throne.

'Curtsy,' Thor mouthed to her. Her eyes widened and she did so quickly.

Odin smiled down at her sadly. "Don't be frightened, child. I apologize for the trick my son has played on you, and offer you the protection of the royal family." He sent Loki another scathing look over her shoulder. The young prince managed not to glare back; as always, Thor was unsure whether to admire him or call him a coward.

"While Loki is banished," the old man continued, "you may return home with your grandfather, or you will be welcome to stay with us."

Sigyn looked at him in surprise. "I thank you for your kindness, Allfather." A half smile curved her lips and she looked back toward Loki. "But my place is with my husband."

And while the entire hall was frozen at this announcement, Sigyn calmly descended from the dias, took the hand Loki offered, and vanished with him in a blaze of green magic.

Thor inwardly rejoiced for his brother, but cringed as the hall erupted into chaos. For Loki's sake, he hoped this would be a long banishment.
Part one: here
Part two: [link]
Part three: [link]
Part four: [link]
Part five: [link]
Part six: [link] and [link]
Part seven: [link]
Part eight: coming soon!

Seeing Avengers reawakened my fondness for Norse mythology, especially Loki and his aptly named wife, Sigyn Not-Appearing-In-This-Film.

Sigyn, for the many who don't know, is the woman who left Asgard to protect her murdering, traitorous, half-insane husband from the snake he was chained under in punishment. By catching the venom in a bowl year after year. Nothing else is known of her in the myths.

What sort of woman would show that sort of love and loyalty to a man like Loki? Well...maybe one who's a little nuts herself. ;)

The story of their wedding is based on the Marvel version of their story, gleaned from this wiki page: [link]

Also, I have a weakness for Thor being a good big brother, and can't imagine that he'd be a good liar. :P

If you don't think Sigyn is weird yet....Well, just wait. There's more where this came from.
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Kittandragon's avatar
Oh Loki, what have you got yourself into? (is it WRONG to pretend that Sigyn is me? Or am I not alone on wanting to marry loki if he was real xD)