
Stolen (part 2)

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Literature Text

"The second library is just down that hall," Loki continued, waving his free hand. "Those stairs are another entrance into the courtyard." Out of the corner of his eye, the prince watched his new wife. Sigyn had been very quiet since they arrived in the castle he kept outside of Asgard, and her mind was clearly elsewhere as they toured her new home.

I probably scared her again, he considered ruefully. Of course, Sigyn had chosen to come with him, but he had still married her wearing another man's form, alienated her entire family, led her into exile, and was now showing her the house where she would be totally alone with him. This would be a bad time to mention her old fiancé's fate...

"This floor is mostly study rooms," he explained, leading her up another staircase. "You're welcome to use any of them for practice or experimentation."

That got a trembly little smile, at least. "Thank you, Loki." It was a short phrase, but sincere.

"I am honored to help so lovely an inventor." She jumped at the word 'lovely,' and Loki quickly pulled his eyes from her face, continuing down the corridor. "Ah… In addition to study rooms, this floor also contains the bedrooms." He stopped outside the intricately carved door that concealed his own chamber. "I've placed cleaning spells on all of them, so this place is always ready for me. And now, for you as well." He pushed the door in and held it, inviting Sigyn to enter.

She slowly raised her head and looked back and forth between him and the bedroom inside, where candles were lighting themselves to provide a soft glow. "Um…" She bit her lip and took a small step backward, watching him nervously.

And so she is unlike her mother in yet another way, Loki observed. If she hadn't looked so frightened, he would have laughed at the discrepancy. Instead, he took her trembling hand and spoke softly. "Sigyn, I know I hardly have a reputation for kindness, but neither am I cruel. If you join me tonight, I shall be very gentle with you. I promise."

Sigyn fixed him with a calculating look, gauging the sincerity of his words. "And in return, you expect….?"

He shrugged. "I expect you not to run screaming, or hit me with the fire irons, or force me to jump out the window..." I expect you to relax, to trust me.

Her expression relaxed into a smile. "I think I can manage that," she said softly, letting him draw her inside.


Hours later, Loki was lying on his side, toying with Sigyn's hair while she got her breath back. "How do you feel, love?" True to his word, the trickster had been gentle and careful as he explored his new wife, but still…

Sigyn turned her head and smiled at him. "I feel like going to sleep for the next ten centuries." Her nervousness had gradually faded, leaving her shyly affectionate.

Loki gave her a mock scowl. "That sounds terribly boring," he pouted, poking her in the ribs. She squeaked and pushed his hand away; he grinned and put it back. The real turning point for the night had been when he found a ticklish spot on her stomach, and laughed when she dissolve into giggles. She had given him a strangely grateful smile after that, then surprised him with an enthusiastic kiss. I still need an explanation for that….tomorrow.

He pulled the blankets up to her shoulders. "I suppose you can go to sleep now, if you really must." Loki dropped a gentle kiss on his wife's forehead and settled back onto his side, expecting Sigyn to mumble a good night and claim her half of the bed. I hope she's not a blanket hog like Thor is. The two brothers had often shared bedding on their adventures; it reduced the amount of gear they had to carry. That habit had faded, however, after Loki got a bloody nose in one of their sleepy battles over the covers.
Memories of his violent brother were cut short when Sigyn did yet another unexpected thing.

Instead of moving away, she moved toward him, wrapping one arm around his torso and claiming his shoulder as a pillow. Her other hand settled over his heart, and she looked up at him with a smile. "Good night, husband."

Loki stared. What in all the Realms…?

Sigyn's smile faltered, and she pulled her arm back hesitantly. "Is this…not all right?"

Loki quickly wrapped both arms around her, pressing her to his chest and resting his chin on her head. "Better than all right, sweeting." Oh, hell, am I blushing again?

Sigyn snuggled into his embrace, returning her arm. "Good night, then."

The prince of Asgard smiled, deeply pleased with this development. "Good night, my princess."


She cuddles like a kitten, but she sleeps like a rock! Loki was incapable of sleeping more than a few hours past dawn. Midday was approaching now, and his wife had shown no signs of waking.

The prince sighed and set down his book. He had completely forgotten about food the night before, and it was definitely time for Sigyn to eat something. I really hope she was joking about ten centuries of sleep. Otherwise, this will be a very uneventful marriage.

"Sigyn," he called, shaking her gently. There was no response. "Sigyn!" Her eyes fluttered and she groaned a bit, but that was all. "Sigyn, it's time to wake up!"
Sigyn briefly opened one eye, looked at him sleepily, then pulled the blankets over her head and turned her back on him.

Faintly amused by the childish gesture, Loki was about to tear the covers away when it occurred to him that such behavior might be… insensitive. Luring her out with food it is.

Clearing off a side table, the sorcerer prince set about conjuring a fragrant breakfast – finely sliced meats, ripe fruit, hot bread, those sorts of things. The smells must have reached Sigyn, for she poked her head out of the covers and looked a great deal more cheerful.

When he was sure he had her attention, Loki added a tempting pile of sweet rolls to the bill of fare. "Good morning, wife." He picked up one of the treats with a teasing grin. "Hungry?"

"Those don't explode or turn into snakes, do they?" Sigyn asked, faking a suspicious glare.

"Come and see for yourself."

The girl started to comply, then yelped and shrank back under the covers. "I can't!"
Her husband looked confused. "Why not?"

"I don't have any clothes," she mumbled, turning a garish scarlet. "You dispelled them, remember?"

"Oh, yes. The stupid fastenings made no sense at all." Loki took a thoughtful bite of his sweet roll. "Well, no matter. It's only the two of us."

"Loki," she pleaded.

I suppose I shouldn't push her when she's tired and hungry. "Oh, very well." He pulled his tunic off over his head, walked to her side, and held it out. "Here. I'll conjure you some proper clothes after breakfast." He suppressed a chuckle when she snatched the garment and dove back under the blankets to dress. "Now will you come and eat?"

Sigyn slowly emerged from her shelter. The tunic that reached mid-thigh on him fell to her knees and was several sizes too large for her. Somehow, it was endearing – perhaps because it was his tunic on his wife. Or perhaps because she threw a glance at his bare torso and blushed a deeper red. "Is there some protocol before one dines with a prince?" she asked nervously, pointedly not looking at him.

"Hmm…" Loki settled both hands on her exposed shoulders. "If he's your husband, you might give him a kiss."

Sigyn peeked back at him over her shoulder, then ducked out of his grip and sprinted for the table. "I think I'll be rude and move straight on to breakfast," she told him, in a voice that might have been firm if it hadn't squeaked near the end.

"I suppose I'll be generous today and pardon you. You're lucky I'm in such a good mood." He seated himself across from her and dug into the food. He noted with some surprise that Sigyn ate nearly half the meat on the table before turning her attention to the fruit and sweets. "Where are you putting all that?"

She paused in the middle of her second sweet roll and looked up at him guiltily. "I was too nervous to eat yesterday."

"And you're not nervous now?"

Sigyn set her food down and eyed him with shy approval. "Not nearly as much as I was. You've been very kind to me."

And so the Trickster was introduced to the shame of undeserved praise. "Forgetting to feed you last night was kind?" he asked drily.

"I wouldn't have been able to eat anyway," she told him with a shrug. "I was still terrified then."

"Indeed," Loki responded, toying with a piece of fruit. "As I recall, you were frightened up until I started tickling you." A smile tugged his lips at the memory. "What changed?"

Sigyn scuffed one bare foot against the floor and looked away. Loki was beginning to think she wouldn't answer when she finally spoke. "You were kind to me," she explained. "You didn't mind that I laughed, or blushed, or squirmed, or asked what you were doing, or kissed you… You didn't mind me."

"Why would I mind those things?" he asked, now thoroughly puzzled. "They're charming. You are charming."

"Theoric minded," she explained in a tiny voice. "He told me that a betrothed or married lady should be quiet, and dignified, and graceful. He's been at court so long, I thought he knew best… But I don't know how to be those things all the time, especially not when…" Her face turned bright red and she buried it in her hands. "I can't even say it," she mumbled.

Loki's first instinct was to tease her by demanding that she clarify, but this was almost surely not the time for it. Instead, he rose from his chair and pulled Sigyn into his arms, cuddling her against him. "Sigyn, look up at me."

She peeked out from under the curls that had fallen onto her face. Combing them back with his hand, Loki went on in a low, soothing voice. "You are wonderful, little one. If I wanted a dignified lady who would quietly ignore me, why would I have tricked my father into marrying us, hm?" He planted a kiss on her forehead. "I like you as you are, and I look forward to liking you better as we get to know each other. Don't fear me. All right?"
Sigyn's face relaxed into a smile. "All right," she agreed, nuzzling her face into his neck.

"Are you still hungry?" When she nodded, Loki settled back into his chair, pulling her with him onto his lap. "Good, because I have a lovely and undignified solution to that. Open your mouth." Grinning under her skeptical look, the prince picked up a slice of fresh fruit and held it out to her.

Sigyn continued to look at her new husband as if he had two heads, but she took a bite of the fruit he was teasing her with.

"Don't you want the rest? I thought you were hungry," Loki asked, faking innocent surprise.

"I am," she insisted, trying to snatch the rest of the fruit with her fingers. When Loki pulled it away, shaking his head and grinning, she reached toward the table, only to find her wrist gently pinned by her husband's arm.

"Then let me feed you," he insisted softly, holding the slice right by her mouth again.

Heaving a sigh, Sigyn opened her mouth and let him feed her the fruit. He had another piece in his hand by the time she had swallowed. "You know," she said around that slice, "I was really after another of those sweet rolls."

"Ah," Loki said, picking up one of the frosted treats. "As my lady desires, of course." She ate the roll from his hand, but stared blankly when he held out his frosting-coated fingers to her. I suppose I'll have to teach by example here, he thought as he licked the frosting off his own hand. "Mm, I wouldn't mind having one of these myself." He unpinned her wrist, and smiled down at her with his request shining in his eyes.

Sigyn looked up at him with soft, curious eyes, then reached out to capture one of the sticky rolls. "They, ah, certainly are tasty," she managed, offering it to him hesitantly.

Loki had to lean his head down to take his first bite. "Why thank you – hey!" Sigyn had evidently decided to share his treat. "You little minx," he growled playfully, poking her in the side as he took another bite.

Sigyn popped the rest into her own mouth, grinning triumphantly until he captured her hand. "Loki, what are you – Oh!" She tried to pull away at the feel of his tongue on her fingers, but he drew her closer with his free arm.

"It's all right, my sweet," he murmured, continuing to lick the frosting from her dainty little hand. When it was all gone, he gave her palm a kiss for good measure and allowed her to retract her arm. She cradled the licked hand against her chest as though it was injured.

"I…I don't think I'm hungry anymore," she mumbled without looking up.

Disappointed, but accepting, Loki loosened his arms to let his wife off his lap. "Yes, I suppose we should be done with breakfast now. Would you like something other than my tunic to wear?"

"Yes, please." She fidgeted with the hem, still not looking at him.

"Come here, then," he said, standing from the table. He placed his hands on her shoulders and briefly considered the kind of clothes Sigyn might want. The tunic warped itself into a soft green dress, brushing her bare feet. "How's this?"

"Perfect," she told him with a nervous smile. "Could we…. That is… You mentioned libraries last night?" she asked hopefully.

Loki chuckled and offered her his arm. "Several of them, yes. Come with me."


"You can't be serious," Loki commented, surveying his wife's pile of books. "I showed you my entire collection of sorcery books – some of which Father can never know I have – and you choose a pile of poetry books?"

"Is there something wrong with poetry?" Sigyn asked, reaching toward the shelf. "Ooh, I didn't know you had tales from Nornheim!" She eyed the new book lovingly and added it to her stack.

"It's…. well, it's useless!"

"I'm a high-born lady in Asgard," Sigyn remarked drily. "I'm supposed to be useless."

"You're a talented healer who designed her own puppetry technique," Loki countered. "I thought you'd be more interested in magic."

She rested her chin on her book pile and finally gave him her full attention. "I am interested in magic, but books on the theory of it are useless to me. All my abilities are healing-based; proper sorcery is beyond me." She smiled and leaned her cheek slightly against her books. "Besides, I enjoy poetry." Suddenly, her head popped up and she looked concerned. "There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

Loki sighed. The only thing wrong with poetry was that he himself was bored by it. Then again, it's not as though I have to read everything she does. "I suppose not." He was rewarded with one of Sigyn's relieved smiles. "Do you think you have enough books for the rest of today?"

"Probably," she admitted, eyeing her spoils affectionately. "Thank you for showing me your libraries."

"It was no trouble," the prince explained with a shrug. It really hadn't been. "There are chairs and cushions by the fireplace over there, if you want a place to read those."

"Will..." Sigyn wet her lips and looked up at him timidly. "Will you be joining me?"

Loki considered her carefully. "Do you want me to?" She nodded, giving him a smile that once again seemed genuine. "Then I will." And an answering smile appeared on his lips.

The next week continued on in a similar fashion, with reading and companionship filling most of their time. Sigyn was beginning to irritate him; she was affectionate, playful, and interesting one minute, then retreating back into her shell the next. Things that set her off one time might be fine the next day, and things that had been fine before might upset her later.

Unknown to Loki, he was now experiencing the same frustration he'd given his family for years. At least Sigyn was merely shy, rather than turning him into a newt.

Still, it frustrated him that she couldn't make up her mind. Every time I think we've made progress, that she's finally comfortable, she turns back into a shy little girl and won't look at me! And the worst part is that it actually matters!

"Loki? Are you well?" Sigyn's soft voice broke into his angry thoughts.

"I'm fine!" he snapped, more harshly than he meant. And now she's going to go hide under the bed again, and I'll have to lure her out, and… Wait, what?

Sigyn, rather than running away, set her hands on his shoulders and started to rub gently – not her usual feather-light touch, but a firm, comforting pressure. She wordlessly left the room, and returned a moment later with a mug of his favorite tea. She handed it to him, still silent, and returned to rubbing his shoulders.

Loki looked from the tea to what he could see of his wife. "What are you doing?"
She leaned slightly to meet his eyes. "Taking care of you," she told him, in a low, controlled voice he had never heard her use.

This must be Sigyn the Healer, Loki realized. He remained still for a moment longer, then took a long drink of the tea. It was delicious, but he couldn't tell her that; she might panic if he praised her, and this massage was delightful.

Her hands came to a stop several minutes later, when all the tension had been leached from his muscles. Loki took the risk of leaning his head onto one of her hands. "Thank you," he said simply. Sigyn smiled in return – a quiet, tender smile that made her look her age for once.

That beautiful moment was shattered by a pounding on the front door. "Brother!" Thor's voice bellowed. "I know you're in there! Come down, I would have words with you!"

Sigyn's face reverted to childlike confusion. "What is Prince Thor doing here?"

Loki sighed, already planning his revenge for the interruption. "He always comes shortly after I get banished. He usually brings me clothes and things from home, as well as news of the court." He lifted her hand to his lips, then led her toward the stairs. "We'd better go down before he starts using that hammer. It's a nuisance to clear up after."

With a smothered giggle, the princess followed her husband down to the door. Loki continued grumbling to himself as he dispelled the door wards and went out to meet his brother. "Must you make such a racket?"

Thor, impervious to the rebuke, grabbed his brother in a bone-crunching hug. "I never got to congratulate you on your marriage, Loki!" He set the gasping Loki back on his feet and clapped his shoulder approvingly. "My baby brother has suddenly become a man."

"I've been a man for quite some time," Loki responded, brushing the hand off. "Why are you intruding on my honeymoon?"

"I thought the two of you might like some clothes," Thor explained, still grinning. "Besides, shouldn't Lady Sigyn meet her stepson?"

Loki glared daggers at him. "Sleipnir is not my son! And… How did you even bring him here?"

"I asked Father if I could borrow him," Thor replied simply, leading the eight-legged steed forward. It stretched its head eagerly toward Loki, nickering deep in its throat.

Loki sighed and rubbed the horse's face. Of course. Anything Thor wants is given, even Father's own war horse. "Hello, you," he grumbled as the horse lipped happily at his coat.

Thor chuckled. "Father knows how much this fellow misses his mother," he added teasingly, slapping the horse on its flank.

"His…mother?" Sigyn broke in, finally showing herself.

"Sister!" Thor greeted her happily, lifting her into a much gentler hug. "I am delighted to meet you as my own family," he told her with a warm smile, stroking her hair as he set her back on her feet.

Loki was unfairly gratified when Sigyn ignored his brother's attention in favor of her curiosity. "Why do you call Loki that creature's mother?"

"Sleipnir lost his mother when he was a newborn," the dark prince answered quickly, before his brother made a mess of things. "Mother saw that he would be a mighty steed if only someone could feed and care for him until he was fully grown."

"And since Loki was a very troublesome youth," Thor added with a twinkle in his eyes, "Father assigned him to care for the horse."

Loki glared at his brother. "I wasn't that bad." When Thor started laughing, he huffed and went on with the story. "Anyway… This silly foal decided that since I was caring for him, I must be his mother. He started following me everywhere, and before I knew it, the whole city was calling me Loki Horsemother."

Sigyn tried and failed to hide her merriment. "You have a beautiful son, my husband." She presented her hand to Sleipnir, who sniffed it dutifully and offered his forehead for petting. "I am honored to meet him."

"I'm sure he's honored as well," the horse's uncle told her cheerfully, detaching saddlebags. "After hours of pleading, your grandfather gave me some of your clothes to bring. They should all be in this bag – no, it's too heavy, I'll bring it up for you later." He set the bag on the ground by Sleipnir's feet and started digging in another bag. "Now, where did I put…. Ah, here it is!" With another warm grin, Thor handed her a small parcel wrapped in white satin.

"What's this?" Sigyn asked, turning it over in her hands.

"It's a wedding gift from me," he explained, eyeing her affectionately. "I couldn't wait until you came home to give it to you."

Loki rolled his eyes. "Just open it, Sigyn, he'll give us no peace until you do." Sleipnir snorted in agreement.

Murmuring her shy thanks to Thor, the bride carefully unwrapped the parcel and lifted out a delicate necklace of pearls and emeralds. "I… I don't think I can accept this," Sigyn stammered, shocked by the extravagant gift.

"Nonsense," Thor told her firmly. "You are a princess of Asgard and my lovely new sister. You should have beautiful things." He patted her fondly on the head, earning a confused blush and an attempt at a smile.

"You're scaring my wife," Loki growled, putting his hand on Sigyn's shoulder.

The golden prince looked somewhat ashamed, and hurriedly presented his new sister with a bundle of papers. "Here, take these before you vanish into the house. Your grandfather will kill me if I don't give you his letter."

The princess took the papers with a much more successful smile. "Thank you very much," she whispered, glancing toward the castle.

Loki kissed the top of her head and released her shoulder. "Go enjoy your letters, my sweet. I'll entertain my brother." Sigyn pecked his cheek and vanished back through the front door. With his wife safely out of the way, it was time to discuss serious matters. "How bad is it, Thor?"

"Njord is furious with you, and Father is inclined to agree," the blond warrior replied, sobering completely as he untied the remaining saddlebags. "Even Mother is outraged." He glanced around, then spoke in an undertone. "Loki, what did you do to Theoric?"

Loki smirked up at his brother. "I? What makes you think I did anything to him?"

Thor frowned darkly. "Brother, this is not a moment for jokes. Rumors are flying around Asgard that you killed Theoric. Tell me where he is so I may clear your name!"

Oh, Thor. So determined to believe the best of me. The trickster met his gaze squarely. "I don't know where he is," he asserted quietly. "I sent him a false message from Father on the eve of the wedding, ordering him to patrol beyond the west gate. I have not seen or heard of him since."

"So now one of Father's finest soldiers, and the son of a very influential nobleman is… missing," Thor grumbled. "I suppose I'd better return, then."

"You're leaving so soon?" Loki asked, with expertly feigned surprise.

Thor scowled at him. "You know very well that every time you dispose of someone in Asgard, Father assigns me to go rescue them."

"It's very diplomatic of him," the dark prince replied blandly. Letting his face soften all of a sudden, he reached out and put a hand on Thor's arm. "Thank you, Brother."
The thunder god relented into a smile. "Of course, dear Brother." He embraced him briefly, then mounted Sleipnir and galloped off. "Say farewell to Sigyn for me!"

"I should have told him to stop giving my wife jewelry," Loki mused, sauntering back into the house.


"I've unpacked your things and put them in our room," Loki informed his wife calmly as he strolled into the library. "Thor said to tell you goodbye, and…" He came to a dead stop as she finally looked up at him.

Her face was streaked with tears, and the pages of her letter were clenched in a white, shaking hand. "That's…that's good of you," she told him, trying to swallow her tears and smile for him.

"Keep your thanks," Loki told her, more sharply than he intended. Her tears bothered him more than he wished to admit. "Why are you crying? Did my fool of a brother do something to offend you?"

"No," Sigyn whispered, shrinking back under his scrutiny.

"Was it something in those letters?" he demanded. If it was, Njord will regret writing them. Deeply regret it.

Sigyn nodded miserably, and another tear dribbled down to her reddened nose. "I – I'm sorry for crying," she mumbled.

"That's the most ridiculous thing you've ever said," her husband growled. Her head drooped even further, and he finally pushed aside his anger for the moment. "Hush, darling, I'm not angry with you," Loki told her more gently, kneeling beside her. "I want to help you."

Sigyn rubbed the back of her hand across her eyes. "He's angry with me for going with you," she explained haltingly. "He… he wants to know why I abandoned my home and family for…."

"For Loki the Trickster," he finished for her. The prince reached out his hand to cup her face and brushed her tears aside with his thumb.

For a moment, Sigyn looked stunned by the gentle gesture, then she flung herself against him and hugged him tightly. "I don't know what to tell him," she sobbed miserably, burying her face in his chest. "He's never scolded me like that before!"

Loki slowly wrapped one arm around her waist, and smoothed the other hand over her hair. "You did nothing wrong, love," he whispered soothingly. Sigyn didn't respond, but she snuggled closer to him and he tightened his embrace.

Later, when he realized the sky was almost dark, Loki summoned a tray of Sigyn's favorite foods and continued to hold her while they ate, stroking her and speaking softly. He could never remember afterward what he said; it didn't matter.

He must have asked again about what her grandfather had said, because she told him. "He brought up my mother," she whimpered almost inaudibly.

"What about your mother?" Loki asked, massaging her scalp. Freya hadn't struck him as an attentive parent, but surely that didn't merit so many tears.

"She didn't want me," Sigyn explained between sobs. "If Grandfather hadn't been there when she learned she was pregnant… If he hadn't offered to take me in… I wouldn't have been born." Her whole body shook as she said this, and Loki held her tighter.

"Your mother is a fool, Sigyn," he growled protectively. "An absolute fool." And your grandfather is a better manipulator than I gave him credit for.

He burned the letter. Sigyn's relationship with her grandfather could be sorted out after Njord had cooled down a bit, probably when they returned to Asgard. For now, she needed to be cherished, not scolded. And what was so shameful in coming with me, anyway? We are married!

His wife was still trembling and listless when he carried her up to bed, probably exhausted from crying. This was not supposed to happen today, he thought as he tucked the covers around her and pressed her to his heart. "Go to sleep," he whispered, kissing her forehead. "You'll feel better in the morning."

"Mm," Sigyn replied, cuddling into him. "Thank you," she breathed onto his shoulder.

Loki didn't answer, just nuzzled his face into her hair and began humming softly – a half-forgotten lullaby his mother used to sing for him. Eventually, Sigyn's body relaxed and her breathing deepened. Since she was clearly asleep, Loki thought it safe to confide his newest secret. "I love you," he whispered, kissing the shell of her ear. It was the only explanation he could find for why her tears had disturbed him so.

"You do?"

Loki froze. She was asleep! I'm certain of it! But there was Sigyn's tremulous smile, her green eyes sparkling up into his… Perhaps she's a light sleeper?

"You're blushing," she giggled sleepily, burying her face in his neck. "I love you, too." And both her arms wrapped tightly around his ribs, pulling him close enough to feel her heart beat.

Loki could feel an unwanted heat coloring his face. "Just go to sleep, woman."


Sigyn tried to go back to sleep, she really did, but her new discovery made it impossible.

Loki loves me.

She had known he liked her, of course. That had been clear from the day they met. And he found her desirable as a woman as well as a companion, there was no way to deny that. And he had been very kind to her since she followed him into exile, so kind and accepting that she had scarcely believed her luck. But it hadn't occurred to her until today that he might truly love her.

He loves me!

Loki might be called the God of Lying, but she knew he hadn't done so this time. He had no reason to; he had clearly expected her to be asleep, and had blushed like a schoolboy when she spoke to him.

Someone who isn't Grandfather loves me…

Sigyn couldn't quite wrap her mind around that. Grandfather, temper and all, had been the one person she felt safe enough to be herself with. Mother detested her, she knew. Uncle Frey didn't hate her, but he didn't want her around, either. Even Theoric and his father, who asked for her hand, didn't really want her; just a few pieces of her that didn't matter, and Fate forbid they see the rest. But Grandfather, though he shook his head and looked concerned, had accepted her inquisitiveness, the trouble she caused, the way she took in stray animals to heal, the way she showered him with affection…

Loki's affection had made her feel safe enough to show him some of that, but she always drew back in the end, afraid that he would see one of those deep, sensitive pieces and reject it.

Until today.

She had been too distraught by her grandfather's fury to keep hiding herself today. She had done the unthinkable – she had cried in front of someone else. She never cried with another person, not even Grandfather; she couldn't bear the thought of being pushed away when she was at her most vulnerable.

But Loki… he hadn't pushed her aside. He had held her and let her cry – not just for a minute, but for the entire evening. He had even tried to protect her. He still wanted to protect her now, judging by how tight his arms were.

He loves me…

If her tears hadn't driven him away, did that mean she could stop hiding completely? She supposed it couldn't hurt to try. She had wanted to share her soul with him since she became his wife, but she couldn't shake the fear that he would change his mind and shove her aside.

Like Mother did.

Sigyn shook her head sharply, refusing to wallow in her grief again. Instead, she snuggled her face back into the curve of Loki's neck, relishing the way he shifted in his sleep to hold her closer. No, she did not need Mother's approval to be happy.
My husband loves me.

She still marveled at that though.


Loki was fairly sure that after crying herself to sleep, a woman was supposed to sleep late, then wake up quiet and subdued, probably mope about the rest of the day. Sigyn, it seemed, had a different opinion; she woke him up with a thorough kiss and a warm nuzzle to the neck.

"Good morning," he greeted drily. "Feeling better?"

Sigyn sat back on her heels, smiling and blushing. "Quite a bit, actually. Are you in the mood for breakfast yet?"

"I thought you liked to sleep late," he answered, disentangling himself from the covers. "It's barely even light out!"

The smile became slightly guilty. "I was excited," she told him defensively.

So she hadn't forgotten the embarrassing episode. Wonderful. "So I noticed," he replied gruffly, turning away from her to hide his embarrassment. Sigyn remained in her place for a moment, then crawled over behind him and pressed her soft mouth along his throat. Loki jumped in surprise, then tried to push her away. She laughed – a quiet, mischievous little laugh that delighted him as much as it annoyed him – and slipped one hand over his chest, returning her mouth to his neck.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," she protested teasingly against his skin.

Moving like lightning, Loki flipped her over onto her back and pinned her wrists above her head. "What's gotten into you today?" he demanded, utterly confused at the change in her. She's much too shy to use feminine wiles on me! Something must be wrong with her. Damn it, what else was in that stupid letter?!?

Sigyn gave him a shy smile, looking up through her lashes again. "You love me," she said as if that were the simplest thing in the world. When he continued staring, she elaborated. "You spent the entire evening yesterday comforting me and trying to protect me, and never once lost patience with me."

Did I do that? I did do that. How in the Nine Realms did I do that?

"And then you told me that you loved me – after you thought I was asleep, meaning you had no reason to lie." Her smile turned into a mischievous grin. "And then you blushed when you learned I had heard you, so I'm quite sure it was true."

I'm caught, well and truly caught. Being caught in a truth was much more uncomfortable than being caught in a lie, it seemed. "Guilty as charged," he admitted, letting go of her wrists.

She crossed her arms behind her head and smiled up at him contentedly. "And since you love me..." She shrugged, looking unfairly sweet and happy. "I'm not afraid anymore."

"It took you long enough," he commented drily. When her smile faltered, he stroked her cheek gently. "Better late than never, love," he reassured her with a teasing smile. Her face regained its former brightness, and his traitorous stomach chose that moment to growl. The prince tried to preserve some dignity before his giggling wife. "I, er, believe you mentioned breakfast?"

Sigyn nodded, still giggling, then glanced at the empty table and blushed. "I did indeed… Ah…" She stopped suddenly and averted her face in embarrassment.

Loki chuckled as his wife finally remembered where all their food was coming from. "I suppose I should see about that, hm?"


Once again, Sigyn shocked him by eating nearly as much as Thor would. It would seem that crying all afternoon was hungry work, Loki realized with grim amusement. "You'd better not be eating for two already," he cautioned her with a smile. "I don't know when my banishment will end, and Mother will kill me if she misses her grandchild's birth."

Sigyn paused with a slice of bacon halfway to her mouth and gave him a concerned look. "Would she really?"

Loki buttered another piece of bread. "Why, are you actually pregnant?" When she didn't answer, he looked up in panic. "Are you?"

She shook her head quickly, and placed a gentle hand on his arm. "No, I'm not." She looked at him with tender, sorrowful eyes. "I just didn't realize your family was…" She trailed off searching for the right word.

Oh. The sheer ridiculousness of the situation hit him, and he burst out laughing. "I can't believe… You really thought? ...Oh, Sigyn!" he gasped between chortles.
"I…apologize," she said quietly, staring away from him.

Loki's laughter died abruptly as he remembered just why Sigyn hadn't understood his joke. "I should apologize. I spoke thoughtlessly." He picked up her hand and kissed it. She didn't answer. "Sigyn, I didn't mean to laugh at you, I forgot about your mother!" She turned her head back toward him just a little, so he kissed her hand again. "I am grateful, you know. For your…concern over me. It was very kind, and I shouldn't have laughed."

Sigyn turned back around fully and gave him a guarded half smile. "I accept your apology."
"How much progress did I lose from that?" he asked regretfully. He didn't want her to go back into hiding again. This warm and wild Sigyn he had finally met was intriguing, and it was far too soon to lose her.

Sigyn thoughtfully eyed their clasped hands. "All of it," she declared, managing to hide most of her smile.

"All of it?" he asked mournfully, concealing his smile far better than she did. "May I not plead my case, dear princess?"

"Hm, I suppose you may," she conceded with a nicely feigned air of boredom.

Loki dramatically knelt by her chair and continued stroking her hand. "You see, it is the earliness of the morning that is to blame," he whined. "My mind is still slow when I first arise, and bad memories surface last. I meant no offense to your grace, truly!"
Sigyn's shoulders shook with laughter, though she still tried to suppress it.

"Majesty," he pleaded pathetically, "do you laugh at a man dying of love for you?"

She couldn't stop herself anymore and burst out laughing. "Loki, you're being ridiculous!"

He grinned and caught her in his arms, pulling both of them to their feet. "And I laughed only because I thought you meant to be ridiculous as well," he told her gently. "The idea of my mother raising a hand against her son is as absurd as a prince of Asgard whining on his knees." When she nodded her understanding, he threw on a sober mask. "I won't have to do that every time I offend you, will I?"

"Oh, every time. Even if all you did was step on my toe." She smiled up at him, her guard completely dissolved by their teasing.

"That promises to be embarrassing. How do you feel about bribery?"

"Bribery? With what?"

"Oh, this and that… How about sweets, since you're hungry this morning?" With a flourish, he summoned a fresh tray of her favorite pastries and held it out to her.

"Someday, you really must tell me where these are coming from," she responded with a laugh, selecting one and taking a large bite.

"I'm simply teleporting it from the royal kitchens back in Asgard," he answered, setting the pastries down and acquiring one of his own. "What?" he asked with a wink. "You didn't think a Prince of Asgard could cook, did you?"

"It would make more sense than kneeling on the – Oof!" She gasped as he sat down, pulling her onto his lap.

Loki grinned, pressing his cheek against hers. "Is the bribery working?"

"Mm, I suppose," she admitted, licking crumbs off her fingers. "But there is one problem with all this."

"And what is that?"

Sigyn smiled up at him. "I can't reach the plate from here."

Loki tried not to smirk at the invitation in her eyes. "Well, I won't pass up an opportunity to get myself back in your good graces." He reached out to obtain another sugary peace offering. Sigyn sank her teeth into it with a murmur of thanks, holding his gaze through her lashes. She shifted on his lap, and he could feel the tension in her muscles. "Good?" he asked huskily.

"Very," she answered, going for another bite.

He let his fingers slide in and out of her hair as she ate. He was almost afraid to say anything; his silver tongue was not doing its job this morning, and he had no wish to scare her back into shyness. When she finished the pastry, he reached out to get another one for her, only to find her hand holding him back. He stilled immediately, waiting to see what she would do.

"It's rather a shame to waste that frosting," she told him innocently, with a blush that nearly reached her ears.

"Yes," he purred softly as her tongue brushed against his skin. "Yes, it would be a shame." Loki snuggled her closer, savoring that soft, wet caress, and found his other hand clenching in her dress.

Sigyn noticed it, too. Taking the last bit of frosting, she glanced toward the hand that clutched her. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, that hand is jealous of the one you just licked," he told her blandly. "I really think you should give it some attention, too." He removed it from her side and offered it to her with an anticipatory smile.

"But… there's no frosting on it," she pointed out, looking quizzically at his hand.

"It's a magical frosting-flavored hand," he assured her, rapidly laying out a spell in his mind. "Go on, try it," he encouraged.

Sigyn still eyed him doubtfully, but she pick up his hand and ran her tongue across it. She dropped it with a squeal almost immediately, sending him into gales of laughter. "Loki! What did you do to your hand?"

"I told you, it's frosting-flavored," he chuckled, trying and failing to look innocent.

She joined his laughter, trying to conceal her reddened face. "That's just a bit unsettling, you know."

"And I thought you liked my tricks," he pouted playfully, making a gesture that restored his hand to normal.

Sigyn stretched up to kiss him lightly. "I do, but frosting is not the right taste for you."

"It's not a very manly taste," he agreed, stroking her face with that same hand.

She turned her head to kiss his palm, then suddenly pulled his hand back for a closer look. "Loki, what happened here?" she asked, trailing her fingers over a scar across his palm.

"Oh. That." He looked away. "That's from the first time I tried to handle a blade. I was trying to show my brother I was as good as he was…. It didn't quite work." His bitter reverie was broken by Sigyn's soft lips on the tissue of his scar. She leaned back in his arms, carrying the hand with her, and smiled up at him tenderly. The second prince sighed and gave her an answering smile, soaking in her affection.

"What about here?" she asked, pushing his sleeve back to reveal a net of barely visible lines there.

"I was sparring with Thor after he first got Mjolnir," he told her. "He accidentally shattered my wrist, and the healers took all day to restructure it."

Sigyn kissed those marks, too, running her tongue across them for good measure. "Do you have scars like these everywhere, Loki?" she asked, placing a tentative hand on his chest.

He shrugged evasively. "You can barely see most of them." Sigyn's affection was very pleasant, but this line of questioning was beginning to grate on his pride. A hand on his cheek turned his head back around to face her.

"Loki," she whispered firmly, looking straight into his eyes, "you asked me to stop hiding from you, and I am trying. It would make everything easier if you returned the favor."

Loki glared for an instant, then relaxed and wound his fingers back into her hair. "I will try," he conceded. She smiled in relief and nuzzled his neck, then began trying to unlace his tunic. "You're getting bolder, my sweet," he remarked dryly.

"Perhaps someday, I'll get skilled at untying your knots," she replied with equal dryness, biting her tongue in concentration. With a wave of his hand, the knot undid itself while he grinned down at his flustered wife. "Is that really how you manage them?"

"Perhaps," he answered, still grinning.

"That's cheating," she grumbled, looking at the loosened ties. He remained still, waiting to see what she dared to do. Sigyn took a deep breath in, then lifted the hem of his tunic to pull it up over his head. When his grin sharpened, she blushed a deeper red and looked away.

"I'm not going to laugh at you," he assured her, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
She nodded up at him with a nervous half smile, then held her breath as she slid the garment up over his lean torso and off his arms. He cooperated quietly, suspecting that this would be the wrong moment to startle her and enjoying her gasp when she finally found herself looking at him.

"Do I meet with your approval?" he purred. Nothing too startling in that, I think.

"You know that you do," she replied softly, glancing up at him for a moment. Her fingers traced another mark on his stomach, and were welcome to keep doing so. "What about this one?"

They continued like that over the whole of Loki's upper body, with him explaining his scars and her kissing the pain away.

"You know," he remarked as she pointed out one on his shoulder, "most of these healed very well. They shouldn't be noticeable."

"I can see the pain caught in these places," she explained between kisses. "It's…part of being a healer, I suppose." Her hand came up to stroke his face again. "It doesn't make you any less beautiful," she added in an undertone.

"Mm," he answered, pressing her to his heart. "Now let's see about yours, shall we?"

Sigyn gave him a strange look. "I don't have any scars, Loki. I heal too quickly."

"Are you sure?" he asked teasingly, raising her forearm to his mouth. "Isn't there one right here?"

"That's a vein, Loki."

"Really?" he asked, feigning disappointment. "Well, what about here?" He ran his tongue over a tender spot he recalled on her neck.

Sigyn's breath caught. "That's cheating, Loki."

"No, it's not," he insisted, continuing to kiss that point. His fingers began unlacing the back her dress, pulling it down off her shoulders. "And you do have a scar, love." She gasped and squirmed as he tugged on the dress again, exposing her chest. "Right here," he murmured, pressing his lips over her heart.

She laughed breathlessly and dug her fingers into his hair. "L-Loki…"

"Yes?" he purred before putting his silver tongue to work.

"If you make me fall off this chair and break my skull, I am never taking your clothes off again."

The threat might have been more effective if it weren't squeaked out between murmurs of pleasure, but Loki wasn't one for unnecessary risks. "It would be a great pity to break your lovely skull," he agreed into her skin. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to their bed. "Is this better?" he asked, arranging his wife on the green velvet.

"Much better," she managed, before pulling him down into a passionate kiss. He returned it wholeheartedly while continuing to dispose of that bothersome gown. When she finally kicked it off onto the floor, he drew back from the kiss to look at her. "Why are you staring at me?" she panted, making an effort to cover her breasts.

Loki shook his head and pushed her arm away. "Ah, ah, ah. None of that now, love." His eyes twinkled. "I haven't gotten a proper look at you yet, you know. You have the oddest fascination with blankets."

Sigyn buried her scarlet face in his neck. "You're laughing at me again."

"Only because you can't make up your mind," he protested, caressing her slowly from shoulder to thigh and admiring the softness of her flesh. "Isn't this part of not hiding from me?"

"I suppose," she admitted, leaning into his touch.

"And I thought you wanted me to stop hiding from you," he went on in an eminently reasonable tone while doing thoroughly unreasonable things with his hands.

"I – I do," she panted, clenching her fingers in his hair.

Loki grinned mischievously. "Then why am I still almost clothed?"

Sigyn's face took on an almost purplish hue as she caught his meaning. "I don't think I can do that," she squeaked, starting to pull away.

Her husband kept hold of her and gently forced her to look at him again. "I will not mock you, Sigyn," he promised. And he didn't, although he did notice she kept her eyes squeezed shut as she assisted him out of his trousers. And never looked below his waist when she opened them again.

Loki kept his evaluation to himself and continued lavishing her skin with kisses, growling with delight as she returned his attentions. The growl turned into a surprised gasp when she suddenly bit his collarbone; when he pulled back to look at her in amazement, she dissolved into unapologetic giggles. "And here I thought you were embarrassed," he drawled, secretly relishing that troublesome glee in her eyes.

"I'm recovering," she explained, nuzzling his shoulder fondly. "Healers recover quickly, you know."

"I know now," he breathed into her ear, feeling her shiver deliciously in his arms. "It sounds like a very… useful skill."

She combed her fingers through his hair with a tender smile, then joined her lips to his again, leaving him no doubt about the true source of her recovery. Loki smirked into their kiss, marveling at how different she felt today.

A shyly affectionate Sigyn had been delightful, but this open, loving, mischievous Sigyn was beyond words. Without a doubt, she was the most precious treasure he had ever stolen, and he was never letting her go.

Clearly, this is a younger, happier, occasionally-emotionally-competent Loki than the one we see in the movies.

And no matter how hard one tries to be tasteful, newlyweds are newlyweds. :blush:

Enjoy the sweetness while it lasts; the main plot will catch up to them in part 3. ;)

(Also, I can't write about Loki without adding a sweet, big brotherly Thor. It's just not possible.)

Part one: [link]
Part two: here
Part three: [link]
Part four: [link]
Part five: [link]
Part six: [link] and [link]
Part seven: [link]
Part eight: coming soon!
© 2012 - 2024 sorentense
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kakashigaiden1257's avatar
LOL.this story is amazing. i can picture every detail in my mind!